Monday, July 19, 2010

The S. Family

Ok S. Family, your pictures are finally done!  These guys were great for my first family shoot.  They were nice enough to humor me with an extra shoot another day and I'm so happy they did because we got some great pictures.  Thanks you guys for being so easy to work with!  (Some of them are looking a little fuzzy on this blog, but in real life they are pretty sharp. I'm not quite sure what is going on there.)

Friday, July 16, 2010


These cute girls were such good sports for some pictures of a medical office we did that we decided to take some of them outside.  We only had about five minutes but they were so easy to shoot!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Southern Idaho Country

A few days ago I took a drive and screeched on my brakes when I saw this red barn.  The whole thing was perfect!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

S. Family

I had the opportunity to take some family pics of the S. Family this last weekend and they were great!  Everyone was such a good sport and did everything I asked.  Thanks guys!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Sweet Baby Mason

My dear friend Dani has a new nephew, and his mom agreed to let me take pics of him at only four days old!  He was so good once we got him to sleep and there were only a few accidents during the whole process.  This was my first newborn session and I could not have asked for better parents or a better baby.  Thanks Misty and Justin...more to come!